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Summary of Meet n Eat

Meet n Eat

This is Restaurant Menu Web application that matches together users based on their location and food interests. I used Flask Web development frameworks to create the server part, and created the database using SQLAlchemy. It is data driven application where user can create its own restaurant, edit their own restaurant details and could also delete their restaurant.

This project was done during my undergrad from September to December 2015. To use this web app, you will be needing a virtual environment like Vagrant with all the proper installed requirements like Flask, SQLAlchemy. This poject is also exxample of data driven website, where users can perform CRUD functionalities like Create, Read, Update and Delete in the web application.

To view the detail code of this project, Click here.

The whole implementation was done using Python. Everytime programs were run on the Vagrant virtual environment machine to avoid problems in personal device. Used SQLAlchemy to implement ORM model to create database to store the information about the Restaurants and Menu Items. Used Flask frameworks for developing the application.

    1. The activity of the user gets stored in the database file.

    2. Matches together users based on their location and food interests.

    3. Owner of the restaurant can perform CRUD operations on their own Restaurant details.

    1. Git for Version Control

    2. Sublime Text for Code Editing

    3. Vagrant Machine to create virtual environment

    4. Flask Frameworks

    5. SQLAlchemy to create database